Unmatched & Unrivaled
360° CRE Coverage
Fortius Commercial Advisors successfully sells properties regardless of size, location or special features. No other industry is as volatile to outside factors as the real estate market. Spaces ranging from 500 to 50,000 square feet require a local team with the ability to move markets for its clients. We are that team; offering a full purview of commercial real estate services, tools, resources and relationships that enhance client outcomes across a wide range of investment and property types.
One-Stop, CRE Shop
Our full service CRE experts provide a white glove service across all aspects of identifying, evaluating, negotiating, purchasing, owning and disposing of real estate.
- Investment
- Brokerage
- Capital Markets
- Project Management
- Corporate Services
- Property Management
- Tenant Representation
- Valuation Advisory

Interested in learning about new CRE opportunities, first?
If you're seeking high quality resources and access to institutional-quality,
CRE opportunities in high-barrier-to-entry markets, look no further.